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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Britney Spears let me down.

I used to adore Britney Spears! I was even on TEAM BRITNEY when she and Christina Aguilera were trying to outskank each other. (I thought Britney had a little more class!) Toxic is still one of my favorite songs ever, but the reality is she hasn't had a hit since and has zero glamor left. She completely destroyed her own comeback performance on the VMA's this year, and I honestly don't know if she deserves another chance.


I doubt her sluggish moves impressed her dwindling fanbase! She looked out of it too- gee, she couldn't even lip-synch and she's suppose to be very good at that. I feel bad for her now. The world is laughing at her. (Myself included, so I'll shut up now.)


Anonymous said...

ew : people are paTheTiic!! "bRitneY leT me down" . . . . oKaY well fiiRst off media is the one that leT y0u guYs d0wn because iTs haRd living in sP0Tliiight with everYone juDgiinG ever little m0ve and thiinG y0u saY . . . sometiimes geTs 0veR wheLmiinG and when every0ne is expecting y0u 2 puT on a sh0w && y0u have n0thiinG y0u have t0 d0 somethiinG and sometimes y0u tuRn t0 somethiing thats n0T goood. . . . haha she SH0WED y0u guYs h0w faR she can g0 && y0u guYs c0ntinuuued 2 taLk iT s0 she did iT. . . .

what d0 y0u expect, geT a fuckiinG life and REALiize!!