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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

CNN is seriously a bitch.

General Petraeus mostly kept his cool despite being grilled for thirteen hours by snotty politicians dummies. They kept repeating the same ridiculous questions and probably bored the General by the fifth hour. CNN couldn't wait to rip General Petraeus' testimony apart, as well as Ambassador Crocker's, and hinted they were trying to spin their own reports... even after two U.S. intelligence agencies declared that General Petraeus' statistics were the most accurate. Progress is being made, and it's because of a very able General and the New Greatest Generation. (It's what they're calling the troops now! Rightfully so!)

This drawing by an Iraqi child depicts the American-Iraqi alliance against Al Qaeda. Notice the sword is Iraqi and the muscle is American. Read more?

Also, Democrats scramble for Iraq Strategy. From Politico: The retooling by Democrats, though, shows how quickly things can change in the political debate over the war. Last week, Democrats were moving toward a compromise engineered by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Jack Reed (D-R.I.) to mandate the beginning of a withdrawal but abandon the required completion date. Now that plan sounds a lot like Petraeus’ recommendations, so Democrats are searching for something that sounds stronger.