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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

GWB: MISS ME YET? Bush merchandise gets a spike in sales!

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Apparently someone really DOES miss Dubya.

Items featuring a smiling former President George Bush and the question, "Miss Me Yet?" are doing a brisk business as sales of pro-President Obama items lag, reports the Web shopping site CafePress.

Demand for the items spiked after a billboard featuring the ex-commander in chief appeared alongside a rural Minnesota highway last week, stirring up buzz.

CafePress spokeswoman Jenna Martin said sales of Bush-related products virtually disappeared after Obama replaced him.

But last week, she said, 10 of the firm's top-selling 100 designs were "Miss Me Yet?" items, moving to the tune of up to 500 orders a day.

"There were no Obama-themed designs on the list - Bush has stolen the political spotlight, just like Sarah Palin did the week before when she re-surfaced with crib notes written in her palm," she said.