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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ann Coulter Joins GOProud.

Photo courtesy of Jezebel

Hmmm, what to think of this? I love me some Ann Coulter, but after reading an article on RedState about GOProud's behavior towards social conservatives, I'm not too sure if they're for real or not. Still, they seem like a group of fabulous Republicans so I can't really say anything bad about them! I love fabulous people, gay or not! I just hope they stop bashing social conservatives- the Libertarian folks are already doing that and I am so sick of it. So annoying. I mean, socialcons aren't evil people. I support traditional marriage, because in a lot of ways I am a very traditional girl; but if majority of the folks soon decide that gay marriage should be allowed, then so be it- it won't end my world. I care more about winning the wars and getting those terrorists.

Ann Coulter Joins Gay Conservative Group
By Chris Moody

Right-wing provocateur Ann Coulter has joined the advisory board of GOProud, a small Washington, D.C.-based organization that represents gay conservatives, the group announced Tuesday.

Coulter has long been a supporter of the advocacy group, which claims the support of a string of high-profile conservatives, including anti-tax activist Grover Norquist, online media mogul Andrew Breitbart, and Republican strategist Roger Stone, all of whom serve on the organization's advisory board.

"I am honored to serve in this capacity on GOProud's Advisory Council, and look forward to being the queen of fabulous," Coulter said in a statement.

Coulter headlined GOProud's first national meeting last fall, where she sparred with attendees over gay marriage, a policy she personally opposes.

"Gay rights advocate" might not be the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think of Coulter--who calls herself "the right-wing Judy Garland"--but she says that she has a secret gay fan base.

"I didn't expect that so many gays would be such huge fans of mine, but yet, it's true," Coulter said during a recent interview with C-SPAN. "I think all gays who were born gay are overwhelmingly conservative--maybe apolitical--and all those angry gays, causing trouble for everybody, I don't even think they were born gay, I just think they were angry at their fathers."

The group's existence has caused a stir within the conservative movement, which is grappling with whether to accept organizations that identify as gay. The American Conservative Union decided last month to reject GOProud as a co-sponsor of its annual Conservative Political Action Conference, after several groups boycotted the 2011 convention in protest of GOProud's presence. The chairman of the American Conservative Union met with GOProud's executive director, Jimmy LaSalvia, and its chairman, Christopher Barron, last week.

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