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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Make-up: Chanel Eclat Lumiere Highlighter Face Pen

So I went over to a Chanel counter a couple of days ago and got this. I only use it when I feel like impressing my boyfriend. lol! It really does add more radiance to your make-up, but you can also wear it alone. How to use: In a single stroke, create a thin trail of liquid highlighter above the line of your cheekbone, then blend using your fingers. Dust on a little shimmer powder to add more glow. You can also use this on the bone below your eyebrow to make your eyes pop out- by the way, this is what they used on Kiera Knightley in one of her Chanel ads! -or down the center of your nose and the line above your jaw.

So what's another good thing about this product? It can lighten up those ugly dark circles under your eyes. I love everything about Chanel- except their dang lipgloss. I have to keep re-applying it because it doesn't stay on for too long! I can finish a whole bottle in a nanosecnd! One sip of Coke Light and it's gone! =(


Anonymous said...

Wow, another Asian (looking) whore like Michelle Malkin running off at the mouth. Shouldn't you be somewhere allowing European men to come on your face rather than online writing about things you know nothing about?